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Annual Charity Partner Annoucement

From: d'aprile Cares <daprilecares@daprileproperties.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 1:21 PM
Subject: #daprilecares 2019 Charitable Campaign - Bear Necessities
To: d'aprile Cares <daprilecares@daprileproperties.com>

Bcc: All Agents; Loan Officers; Loan Processors; Support Staff

Good Afternoon Agents, Loan Officers, and Support Staff!

If you attended our 2019 Summit gala this past January, you're already in the know. But for those of you who were unable to attend, we are very excited to announce that the focus of our 2019 #daprilecares campaign will be the Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation!

Created in 1992 by Founder/CEO Kathleen Casey, the organization is named in memory of her son Barrett “Bear” Krupa, who passed away after a courageous five-and-a-half-year battle with Wilms Tumor, a form of pediatric cancer. 

What sets BN apart from other cancer foundations is its dual aim: they not only seek to raise funds for cutting-edge research to end pediatric cancer, but to also provide for the immediate needs of the children and families battling the disease. Through their Bear Hug Program, they strive to help these amazing children rediscover their childhood.

More information will be coming soon you will have plenty of opportunity throughout the year to do your part. 

For more information, watch this video - but be prepared to have your heart tugged on!